Saturday, May 27, 2006

Memorial Day

Joeseph L. Galloway (You may remember that name from the book We
Were Soldiers Once....and Young) wrote a very moving peice on what this Memorial Day should be about...not just backyard BarBQ's, and a day off of work...but so much more. I hope we all take a moment this weekend to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for this great nation..and all in the name of freedom.

WASHINGTON - Memorial Day is hard upon us, and hard on us as well.
While most Americans celebrate the holiday as the first long weekend of summer, the rest of us will be honoring the sacrifice of countless American lives during 230 years of our nation's history. Winning our independence was bloody work; defending our freedom has been even bloodier.
We are a nation at war this year, just as we have been for the last five years since the terror attacks on innocent American citizens on Sept. 11, 2001. We are at war, but who among us knows the true cost of war, and who pays the price?
The answer to that question is, of course, our living veterans of wars.
All but 50 of the 5 million veterans of World War I are gone from among us. Only about 3.5 million of 16 million American veterans of World War II are still alive. Some 3.2 million veterans of the Korean War are still alive. About 2.5 million of the 3.4 million who served in the Vietnam War theater are still living.
They surely know the true cost of war.
The knowledge of that cost is borne even more keenly by the widows and children, fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters of those who gave their lives in battle in our country's wars.
There are so many of them, and more coming with each passing day in the wars we are fighting now.
The children of war, especially, have so large a claim on our hearts. They have lost fathers, and now even their mothers, in today's wars. The estimate is that Iraq alone has left 3,000 children without one parent or with no parent at all.
This Memorial Day I will be thinking particularly of the five children of the two Army pilots of a Kiowa Warrior helicopter shot down in Mosul, Iraq, on Jan. 13. Their fathers, CWO3 Mitchell K. Carver Jr., 31, of Charlotte, N.C., and CWO2 Kyle E. Jackson, 28, of Sarasota, Fla., were flying cover for a small three-vehicle patrol of Stryker armored vehicles at the time.
I was riding in one of those Strykers at the time and was at the crash site within minutes. I watched their broken bodies were gently eased out of the shattered helicopter - Carver already dead, Jackson alive but barely. He died on the way to the hospital.
At that moment I knew that within a matter of a few hours Army sedans with a chaplain and a casualty notification officer would be pulling up outside houses bearing the news that would shatter happy lives. I knew that those young children would carry holes in their hearts all their lives - holes where a father was supposed to dwell.
This Memorial Day I will also think of the four children of my friend SFC David Salie of the 3rd Infantry Division who was killed a year ago on Valentine's Day, who was in Iraq precisely four days before he was killed in an IED explosion on his first combat tour in that war. Salie had parachuted into Panama with the 82nd Airborne, fought in the Persian Gulf War and deployed in Haiti.
His daughter is a budding writer and poet. Her mother, Deanna, shares some of Chyna's writing with me from time to time. I keep photos of Carver and Jackson, and David Salie and his family on my wall to remind me of them - to remind me of what wars cost - every day.
My friend Karen Spears Zacharias lost her father, Sgt. David Spears, in Vietnam in 1966 when she was 9. She's written a book about what that one death among 58,250 in that war did to the lives of her mother, her two siblings and herself. It's out in paperback with a new title: "After the Flag Has Been Folded."
She travels around the country talking to new widows and their heart-broken children. She knows their pain firsthand. She tries to help them understand that they are not alone. If nothing else she can cry with them over all they have lost.
So this Memorial Day think of all our fallen servicemen in America's wars. But think especially of those innocents they left behind - so filled with pride, so filled with grief, so filled with pain. They are there in many American cities and towns.
Reach out to them. Tell them you thank them for their family's great sacrifice. Tell them we grieve with them. Offer them any help they need. Tell them they are not alone.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Code Pink does it again

These idiots never fail to disgust me........
This is more like it......Marines don't wear sissy pink

Friday, May 12, 2006

31st Anniversary of the Mayaguez Incident

Today marks the anniversary of "the last battle" of the Vietnam War. A story of heroes and heartbreak, and one that is forgotten more than it is remmembered. The link at the bottom is one of the most accurate depictions of the events and aftermath of this battle.Ralph Wetterhan's book "The Last Battle", a fantastic read, finally shed some light on the fate of the Machine gun crew of Danny Marshall, Joeseph Hargrove,and Gary Hall, who were accidentaly left behind in the confusion. These men provided vital cover for the Marines that were being extracted,preventing them from being overrun. They held their ground till the end,but were left behind,and later murdered by the Khmer Rouge."A man is never dead until he is forgotten" is the saying, so we must NEVER FORGET these men's heroic stories. Those who gave all are the last 41 names on the Vietnam Memorial Wall. RIP to them all.
Benedett, Daniel A.
Blessing, Lynn
Boyd, Walter
Copenhaver, Gregory S.
Garcia, Andres
Hall, Gary, L.
Hargrove, Joseph N.
Jacques, James J.
Loney, Ashton N.
Marshall, Danny G.
Maxwell, James R.
Rivenburgh, Richard W.
Sandoval, Antonio R.
Turner, Kelton R.

Manning, Ronald J.
Bernard, Gause, Jr.

Rumbaugh, Elwood E.
Van de Geer, Richard

Kays, James G. Pilot
Froehlich, Laurence G. Co-pilot
McMullen, George E. Flight engineer
Raber, Paul J Flight mechanic
Weldon, Robert P

Black, Jimmy
Collums, Bobby
Coyle, Gerald
Dwyer, Thomas
Ford, Bob
Fritz, Gerald
Glenn, Jackie D.
Hamlin, Darrell
Hankamer, Gregory
Higgs, David
Ilaoa, Faleagafula
Lane, Michael
London, Dennis
Mathias, Robert
McKelvey, William
Moran, Edgar
Nealis, Tommy
Ross, Robert

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


For those who have been following the Fran O'Briens story....I think we can all come to agreement here. For those who don't know, long story short: Fran O'Briens has been serving steak dinners to our wounded troops from Walter Reed Memorial hospital every friday, a wonderful tradition. Hilton Hotels has decided to evict Frans for 'business reasons' . What a load of crap. Blackfive has more on this

This was so much more than just a steak dinner to these heroes......