Remembering the Bataan Death March

Major General Edward P. King, Jr., USACommanding General, Luzon Forces, 1942
The Bataan Memorial Death March is comming up on March 26, in White Sands New Mexico. People from all around the world will come to remember, pay tribute, pay respect for our WWII heroes who endured more than what should be humanly possible. They will walk, run, hike, 26.2 miles through the dessert, an amazing experience I can imagine. God Bless those who take part in this event, those men who perished, and those who survived to tell of the horrors, will never be forgotten. These men experienced hell on earth, from the Death March, the POW camps like Camp O'Donell, and the Hell ships like the Oryoko Maru. They experienced humanity at it's worse, but they showed just how strong the human spirit can be, they were the "Battling Bastards of Bataan", and came to feel more like the "Ghosts of Bataan". The nightmare finally ended on January 28, 1945 for those at Camp O'Donell, by way of 121 hand-selected U.S. Rangers, who did the impossible, rescued 513 POW. An amazing story that seems to be forgotton at times when we remember WWII.
I highly reccomend reading "Ghost Soldiers" by Hampton Sides, he tells this story with such historical accuracy,passion and respect. The movie "The Great Raid", is an accurate depiction of the raid also, but nothing can compete with the book. Here are some links for more information
Great Raid was a great movie indeed. I see you're still at it, keep the posts coming. I've been MIA, but should be back to par soon.
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
Let's see you there!
Where did you find it? Interesting read »
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